Crusaders are All In – striving for excellence, and choosing to better themselves, their teammates and our world. And with your help, we can empower them to achieve even more.
As we approach the end of our fiscal year, join us to support our student-athletes as we continue to build our competitive edge and develop leaders now and into the future. With you All In, we’re poised to achieve our goals.
Make your gift by Wednesday, June 30!
Every dollar dedicated to our goal of developing champions counts, and every dollar you give has even greater impact. Thanks to the College’s Hope + Access Campaign for Financial Aid, when you go All In to support the Crusader Athletics Fund or your favorite team, your new or increased gift to the College will be matched 100% to benefit financial aid.
Your gift to the Crusader Athletics Fund will help to provide a more competitive experience for our student-athletes. Make your gift today.

You showed your dedication to our student-athletes’ journies to excellence, and it was an amazing day of giving. Crusaders across the globe came together to contribute the highest single-day total in Holy Cross Athletics Giving Day history. We look forward to sharing final results next week.
Today, you went All In for Crusader Athletics. You showed the power of the Holy Cross community and committed to the continued development of ethical leaders, champion athletes, and men and women for and with others.
Thank you for your support and dedication to this special family. We wouldn’t be who we are without you, and we are humbled by your generosity.
Our next great moment awaits.
Go Cross Go!
1376 days ago by Cara HanrahanIt’s been an incredible day of giving in support of our Crusader student-athletes! With four hours to go, we are on our way to a record-breaking day for Holy Cross Athletics.
Join us in the final hours and go All In for the programs that mean the most to you!
1376 days ago by Christene Kauffman Riendeau
A group of generous alumni and parents have now come forward with a $50,000 challenge to inspire the entire Holy Cross community!
At the conclusion of Crusaders All In Giving Day, $5,000 will be awarded to the five programs with the highest percentage of alumni participation AND to the five programs with the highest total donor participation.
Find out how your team is doing!
Also, thanks to the Hope + Access campaign, all new and increased gifts to Athletics are matched 100% for financial aid.
Go All In today in support of our student-athletes and their continued growth as leaders and champions. Our teams need you!
1376 days ago by Cara HanrahanMay 14, 2021
Today, I’m asking you, and all Crusaders, to go ALL IN.
All year, our student-athletes have dedicated themselves to looking towards the future, growing stronger as individuals and teammates athletically, academically and personally.
With fortitude, we are continuing to prepare our 700 Crusaders to compete at the highest level. Just as they are committed to training and learning, to capitalizing on the opportunities in front of them, we are committed to our vision – delivering a transformative student-athlete experience driven by competitive success.
Year after year, regardless of the circumstances, one thing remains constant — the strength of Crusaders when we go ALL IN for one another. Every dollar you give today will be dedicated to continuing our tradition of developing champions. And today, thanks to the Hope + Access campaign, all new and increased gifts are being matched 100% for financial aid.
Together, we are strong. Together, we shape our future. Together, let’s go ALL IN for Crusader student-athletes.
Go Cross Go!
Marcus Blossom
Director of Athletics
1376 days ago by Sarah Phipps
I hope that this email finds you and your loved ones healthy and happy. The semester is coming to a close, and we are beyond proud of our student-athletes for showing perseverance and tenacity in the face of adversity while navigating academics and athletics during a pandemic. It was great to be back out on the pitch, and we can't thank you enough for your support this year. To view our May newsletter, click here.
We'd like to recognize the class of 2021 and thank them for their commitment, dedication and loyalty to this program. They have had to overcome a number of obstacles in the last year and a half, and we appreciate them for making this program a priority. We are confident that they will go on to represent the Crusaders with integrity and pride!
The fall can't come soon enough! We are excited to get back out on our field, and we are hopeful to see your smiling faces in the stands, if permitted. It's been strange not having our favorite fans behind us in the stands, so we are looking forward to a bit more normalcy come fall.
Here's to an action-packed fall 2021 season!
Kyle Bak
Head Coach
P.S. - This Friday, May 14 is the Holy Cross Athletics Giving Day. If you are able, we hope you will support women’s soccer by making a gift this Friday. Stay tuned for communications about how you can get involved. Thank you in advance for your support!

March 12, 2021
I hope you and your family are well. The last time we connected back in January our country was dealing with another spike of COVID cases. Since then, we have remained united!
After a long year, it is great to see that we seem to be welcoming some normalcy back into our daily lives. For our program, the wait is finally over! After 491 days since our last match in the Patriot League semi-final, we are back on LINDA tomorrow! We want to thank you for your continued support of our program and know we wouldn't be here without you.
Even though we can't have you in the stands this year, we would love to see some photos of you supporting our group over the next five weeks. We are hoping it is the start of a special run of back-to-back postseason berths for our program!
Thank you & GO CROSS GO
Kyle Bak
Head Coach
P.S. Please click here if you are interested in joining our Alumnae Mentor Program.
1435 days ago by Sarah Phipps
We are in awe of and so very grateful for our supporters who continue to go All In for our student-athletes. Your generosity allows us to prepare our Crusaders for a stronger tomorrow as they strive to succeed and lead in athletics, in the classroom and in their communities.
Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your support! Holy Cross would not be what it is today without the participation and dedication of Crusader Nation.

Holy Cross student-athletes are dedicated and resilient. When our world — and in turn, our campus life — changed this year, we adapted. Through challenge after challenge, our commitment to our education and our athletics never faltered. And today, we remain focused and hopeful for the future.
This is why we are asking the Holy Cross community to come together right now in support of our student-athletes.
Whether you make a gift to the Fund for Athletics Excellence or to one of our 27 varsity teams, your generosity helps position us for an even stronger return to competition.
In the face of unprecedented challenges, we know that one thing remains constant — the strength of Crusaders when we go all in to support one another. On this Giving Tuesday, your gift is for our future. With your support, our next great moment awaits.
1540 days ago by Christene Kauffman RiendeauI hope this finds you well and staying safe as these unprecedented times have continued to impact our daily lives. When I was first introduced as the head coach of our program back in June, I had a vision of what the fall season was going to look like. We all know how important & exciting the month of October is for college soccer! With Patriot League games in full effect, we should have been celebrating our senior class this weekend, 10/17, in our final regular season home match vs. Loyola. Unfortunately, the year is 2020 and nothing has gone to plan!
With the decision made by Holy Cross to go fully remote for the fall semester, it has certainly put a wrinkle in my vision, but if 2020 has done anything, it has taught all of us we need to adapt and be prepared for anything & everything. Over the past couple of months instead of competing against fellow Patriot League programs, our student-athletes have been competing against themselves daily to push themselves in three main areas: academically, athletically and socially. For some lucky members of our program, they have made the sacrifice to move close to campus and give themselves the ability to lift and train on campus three days a week in preparation for a special 2021! Our group is slowly coming together after weeks of small group sessions, we are just one week away from conducting our first large group/team training session! I have been very happy with the group's mentality, energy, and willingness to embrace our new vision & philosophies.
My goal is to still provide opportunities to gather together with our alumnae, parents and friends but due to COVID, we will have to adapt and look to find new ways and new dates to get all of us together in a safe manner. Starting in December our program will be sending out a bi-monthly newsletter to all of you. The purpose of the newsletter is to give you a quick update on three areas of our program; first being an update on the athletic side of our program, second, an academic or community service update and third, an update from ALL OF YOU, our alumni group! This area is where I am going to need ALL OF YOU as members of our program to help me with good stories, memories or updates that we can add to the newsletter. If you have work updates, weddings, baby announcements, travel, or alumni gatherings (socially distant please...) please share them with us! As I mentioned before I am a big believer in communication so I am looking for all of you to help and support our program by sharing your great stories and in return we will share the amazing things our current members are doing in the classroom (virtually), on the field and for our communities.
During these unprecedented times let's continue to come together so we can continue to grow stronger, more powerful and more united than ever.
Thank you & Go Crusaders!
Kyle Bak
Head Coach
1541 days ago by Sarah PhippsDonors
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